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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

What are the 5 megatrends transforming the digital marketing domain?

The ever-growing digital marketing industry too suffered a major setback in the wake of COVID-19 induced pandemic. As the legends say: “Challenges are meant to be challenged. Take them head-on”. And when you are resilient, challenges offer hidden opportunities. The post-COVID-19 era has thrown opportunities galore, many pivots and shifts. Many past trends have been redefined, while new trends are also emerging.  

In this brief blog, I’m going to highlight a few megatrends transforming the digital marketing domain, to expand the knowledge base. SEO Company In Ahmedabad offers affordable Digital Marketing Services.

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Customer loyalty  

The unexpected emergence of COVID-19 sent shock waves across the world. The pandemic resulted in the collapse of global economies and disruption of the world order. The digital marketing agency and digital marketing companies weren’t spared either. Several local and global events were either canceled or postponed sine die. Digital marketers and SEO companies saw an opportunity in the calamity. Professionals began working remotely. New hacks were created to accelerate the growth. A new phenomenon is being pushed, emphasis on customer relationships and customer loyalty.      

Rise of the Digital world      

The pandemic created an environment of disappointment and anxiety. Many weren’t ready to surrender to the gloomy situation. A new digital order was unleashed. Businesses were motivated to leverage the digital platforms to accelerate their business.

Digital marketers and digital agencies began focusing on virtual events, content promotion, and videos among others to reach out to the targeted audience. Statistics show, during the COVID-19 era, customers are spending substantial time online. According to Forbes, the use of the internet has surged by 70%, whereas streaming more than 12% after the start of the pandemic.

Digital Channels like Social media, websites, landing pages, email marketing, mobile, blogs, webinars, and a host of others are being utilized to scale up the business and engage with customers.        

Understanding Big Data   

The term big data has been redefined in the pandemic. Owing to its benefits, big data has been leveraged by businesses galore for myriad reasons. According to NodeGraph, by 2025 world data is anticipated to reach 175 ZBs. Don’t be surprised! In simpler terms, it means an individual would take close to 1.8 billion years to download the data, given the current internet speeds. Such is the volume of data.

Let’s further understand the big data with a few instances:

  • Tweets created - 480,000
  • YouTube videos viewed - 4.7 million  
  • Queries on Google search - 4.2 million
  • Emails sent - 200 million
  • Images uploaded - 60,000       

That’s fine, but what’s the importance of big data?

Deep dive into the subject brings forth crucial information. Facilitates in a weather forecast, recommends movies, songs, clothes, edible items, and books for consumers, and presents a meticulous picture to the digital marketer of a digital marketing agency.             

Global Connectivity

Can you imagine, how many people are connected online globally? According to Statista, about 4.66 billion people are connected online; it comes to close to 59% of the world population. NodeGraph research brings forth critical facts and figures about the internet users for the year 2020:

  • There were about 5.1 billion mobile phone users
  • The research found that there were 2 billion online shoppers
  • Research depicts that there were about 3.7 billion social media users

No boundaries for content creator  

Digital platforms offer splendid opportunities for content creators. No boundaries. Depending on your interest, you can create content. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter to name a few attract billions of users globally. As the big data suggest, there were about 3.7 billion social media users. Are you taken aback!

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Aarvind Digimark is a veteran digital marketing agency that offers competent the right digital marketing strategy to its clients, tailored to meet its needs.

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